Valco Baby has the sturdiest and most practical cupholder I’ve found for any kind of self-propelled vehicle (think stroller, walker, wheelchair).
Attaching it isn’t the most intuitive process around, but once on board, it rotates to any angle, and is absolutely secure. It’s worked great on my dad’s wheelchair, and I’ve used it happily on several strollers as well.
It’s cleverly designed to adapt passively to multiple beverage sizes. Try it with a soda can, or even a big hulking water bottle. No shimmy, no tipping, and it even survives the occasional slam into a too-close wall with aplomb. Yes, it will fit around larger tubes, and, for you stroller mavens out there, it fits Bugaboo.
Added 1/30/2007:
Here it is on a Fisher Price Infant-to-Toddler stroller (F-P’s ersatz Bugaboo), which has fairly hunky side tubes. That’s a chunky
32 16 ounce Nalgene bottle in the holder. Popping it into the cupholder made me admire the way the cupholder is designed all over again.
I’ll add a picture of it on my dad’s AT’M wheelchair when I can unearth it. (OK, I know this is overkill, but don’t you really prefer to actually see something in use? I mean, the picture above (left, top) is informative and all, but, like, how does the blooming thing actually work??)
Update 2/3/2007: At around $15.00 (USD), this cupholder is bunches cheaper than the newly-released Bugaboo model, which will set you back a cool $22.00 (USD). I think there’s not enough difference in style to count — anyway, for sure not seven whole bucks more.
Get it at:
On Amazon
On eBay, where you’ll have to hunt and peck, but you might find a bargain.